"Hamlet" by William Shakespeare is one of the most Famous tragedies ever written. Quotes from this play are still used commonly today, hundreds of years after it being first written. The plot itself has been copied many times, however in my opinion, none have outdone the original play.

This Blog serves one purpose, to pay tribute to the famous quotes, and scenes that made hamlet the great tragedy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Question

Scene 1 of act 3, the most famous question in the play is asked. "To be, or not to be? That is the question-" this is said by Hamlet in a soliloquy. Life has become to much for Hamlet to bare. He is constantly seeking revenge, and still has not gotten over the death of his father and the union of his mother. He debates whether or not life is worth living. He says that we are scared to death of the consequences we may face after killing ourselves. I think this line is a summary of Hamlet's character, threw out the play he is angry and confused, unsure what his purpose is and who he should believe.

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