"Hamlet" by William Shakespeare is one of the most Famous tragedies ever written. Quotes from this play are still used commonly today, hundreds of years after it being first written. The plot itself has been copied many times, however in my opinion, none have outdone the original play.

This Blog serves one purpose, to pay tribute to the famous quotes, and scenes that made hamlet the great tragedy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Foreshadowing

The First Quote I am going to discuss, is not one of the most famous from the play; however, I believe that it holds an important meaning. In scene 4 act 1, Marcellus, a guard says "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". The character that spoke this holds little substance in the play and this line seems only to be talking about the ghost that has appeared; yet, it is truly foreshadowing the dishonorable events that will take place during the play.

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